He believes that the deterrence arguments for capital punishment fail. In his article titled “Why the Deterrence Argument for Capital Punishment Fails,” he had this to say about the deterrence arguments, “These debates appeal both statistical data and to common sense, and so far have been largely inconclusive” (Reitan). Reitan found that all arguments stating that capital punishment has a deterring affect were indecisive. With his research he found that capital punishment should be abolished because, there is no real evidence stating that capital punishment deters murders. John D. Bessler an attorney and an adjunct professor of law
He believes that the deterrence arguments for capital punishment fail. In his article titled “Why the Deterrence Argument for Capital Punishment Fails,” he had this to say about the deterrence arguments, “These debates appeal both statistical data and to common sense, and so far have been largely inconclusive” (Reitan). Reitan found that all arguments stating that capital punishment has a deterring affect were indecisive. With his research he found that capital punishment should be abolished because, there is no real evidence stating that capital punishment deters murders. John D. Bessler an attorney and an adjunct professor of law