Summary Of The Movie Sicko

Decent Essays
After watching the Documentary “Sicko” I was disgusted, I was embarrassed to live in a country that would do this to their own people. I was surprised that almost fifty million Americans are uninsured, and those that are insured are victims of insurance fraud. Why pay for insurance when the people the run the company are going to try to stop you from using it. That fact that America was ranked 37 out of 191 in the world health system is enough to make you think “is my country doing everything it can to protect me, and protect its own citizens of the United States”. We are actually rank lower than and equal to countries with much less economic wealth.
A lot of people say that Canada has the best health system, that they are number 1 when
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The UK a country whose National Health Services is a comprehensive publicly funded health care system, where there is no out of pocket payments was one of the greatest thing that I have ever heard. Even though growing up I never played for any of my hospital visit and emergency visit, I’m still irritated that not everyone is treated equally. When Moore went to France, he was laughs out of that country for saying some of the radicalness thing that are true about the American Health System. The fact that the government in quotes, does your laundry, doctor house calls don’t cost a thing, and how you get so many days off after given birth, makes me thing is America doing anything right. Moore made a couple of good points when he pointed out that the U.S. gets free education, library, parks, public transportation, but is that enough to make up for us not having a good health plan. Thru out the film there were many real life stories told and the one that made me question people and life was one incident that happened in California. When a lady rushes her baby to the nearest hospital because her baby had a high fever and was denied treatment due to their health care provider, which led to the baby death. Listening to this made me feel devastated, angry, sad, and frustrated, feelings that I wish I never have to feel when it comes to our health

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