Summary: College Athletes Should Not Get Paid

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One of the biggest questions in sports is if college athletes deserved to be paid or not. Many people view student athletes competing in the NCAA as professional athletes and athletes in every other league receive money. While, others have a different opinion. Tubby Smith and Gary Smith are authors of a sports article discussing why they believe college athletes should not get paid.
In Tubby Smith’s article “Is It Time To Start Paying College Athletes?”, he states his hesitations about colleges paying their athletes. Smith believes if athletes received compensation for their sport, questions would rise about the security of their job. Non-sport related workers always run the risk of being fired. Once college athletes receive pay for their new
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An university can increase their profit by increasing concession prices, such as tickets and merchandise, or by lowering expenses. Two expenses Tubby Smith suggests that could be lowered are the investments of training facilities and coach’s contracts. He argues that coaches are overpaid to the point that they should not being the highest paid person in his/her respective state. Smith also suggests college sports programs invest an abundance of money in training facilities. Although he highlights valid points to lower the cost of funding an athletic program, these points would hinder the overall viability of the program. (website link …show more content…
The athletes that are not talented enough to play in the pros would not make enough money to support them after college. The NCAA might be able to have enough to fairly pay non-sport workers, but athletes deserve a higher pay. He/she would most likely end up investing that money to further their education. The universities should be responsible for paying their athletes because the bigger schools would be able to pay more to their students. This would allow the student athletes to have a better future for those who do not make it to the pros ( athletes is

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