For example, Jobs is constantly compared to America’s greatest businessmen and inventors. Clearly, Jobs was an extraordinary man that was praised for his achievements and skill because in our capitalist American society businessmen are revered. According to Richard Stengel of Time Magazine, Steve himself will take his place in the ranks of great American businessmen and inventors like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford” (Stengel 6). As Stengel states Steve Jobs and his personality is relatable to Americas most appreciated men, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. Jobs holds the qualities of an American hero because he is determined, innovative, and highly intelligent. Similarly, Jobs was compared to Ford and Edison because of his ability to change America through technology and by creating an easy to use computer for average people compared to the richer ones. Newsmakers of Detroit point out in the “Steve Jobs” biography that, Steve Jobs revolutionized the technological industry by revealing an innovation that changed the standards of personal computers by constructing and selling the first Apple computers (“Steve Jobs”, Newsmakers). Newsmakers emphasizes how Jobs is a revolutionary figure because he constructed a personal computer that was directed for average class citizens. This helped America because the average class did not touch computers like the upper …show more content…
Jobs was a man that revolutionized technology in his professional career, did not take more money than he needed, and inspired many great innovators with his accomplishments and strengths. Truly, Jobs represents an American hero through all of his achievements personally and professionally. He chooses the part of life where success is fulfillment enough rather than the money, which proves he is the American model for new coming businessmen. Heroism is a symbol of greatness and fearlessness that is represented throughout America. Thus, in a modern world filled with obstacles and challenges, Jobs found a way to leap over as many as he could. He improved society not by giving them a revolutionary computer device and system, but he gave them a role model. Jobs not only became a great American hero, he became an innovator that changed