Social Media's Effect On Police Brutality

Decent Essays
Police brutality has been part of the public eye for decades, but more so in the past couple of years because of social media. The first time the term police brutality came to light was 1892 when the Chicago Tribune reported that a civilian, who was arrested, at the Harrison Street Police Station was severely beaten. Nothing has changed since then, considering cases of police brutality started coming to light and became more frequent then and now. In the past two years alone, over three thousand people have fallen victim to police violence. In 2014, one thousand twelve hundred and ninety seven people tragically died. In 2015, one thousand three hundred and seven people also died because of police brutality. And this year, nine hundred and …show more content…
Terrence Crutcher, for example, was an innocent bystander waiting for someone to come help fix his car when someone passing by called the police. He then did everything the cops had asked him to do, and he got tased and shot and ended up dying from that fatal wound. This story angered many because he was an unarmed man doing nothing wrong and one officer made one decision that ended his life forever. In addition, there is another person who fell victim and it was a very gruesome story, was Philando Castile. Castile was at a stop sign with his fiancé and daughter when a cop came behind then and turned on the lights. The cop had originally pulled Castile over because of a broken taillight. Officer Jeronimo Yanez was the one who pulled him over, and he ended up shooting Castile multiple times when Castile hadn’t done anything wrong. Castile and Crutcher were both loved men, and they were just innocent men who unfortunately died doing nothing wrong. Even though there are a lot of stories out there about how cops are the bad guys, they all aren’t like that. Anyone who lives in a small town or rural area knows most of their cops are sweet, but the police brutality cases give all cops a bad name. Every cop who has done a wrongdoing by society should be punished for their mistake, but should not be ok with the blame that all cops are evil

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