Cause And Effect Of Police Brutality

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“When you have police officers who abuse citizens, you erode public confidence in law enforcement. That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.” (Berry) Recently police brutality has become an alarming issue in society. At the end of 2015, thousands of deaths resulted in accusing victims dying in police custody. Individuals in local communities across the state are beginning to lose faith in law enforcement in their ability to properly do their jobs. Police brutality is caused by police officers being inadequately trained, becoming power hungry, officers receiving inaccurate or non-updated information and different training methods across the nation; the effects are wrongful death lawsuits, victims suffering from mental health disorders …show more content…
Prejudice or racial tensions have become a fore fronting scapegoat for police brutality. Individuals have accused police officers and vice versa of being racists and treating them of lesser quality as other races. “Although black men make up only six percent of the U.S. population, they account for forty percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year.” (Kimberly, Fisher, Tate, Jenkins) That means that African-American males create a little over half of the population shot by police officers this past year. No race should have to endure that burden and stereotype or have those statistics.
A solution to police brutality would to be to provide police officers with sensitivity training. During the process of becoming a police officer they are trained to handle your basic scenarios, but they should receive training for more sensitivity training such as dealing with an individual who has a gun or is running away from the police because they are scared. In modern society, because there are all of these different illnesses police officers should be trained to deal with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. They should be trained to handle any type of situation that may occur on the

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