In the first half of the week, I felt very confident that I could make it. I had thought of going on snapchat a little, so in spite of my temptations, I decided to delete the app all together. Starting on a …show more content…
Everything from his hair, possessions, and if you want you get deep his soul. Siddhartha was transformed into a new person who only had one goal and that was to become one who is empty. Hesse wrote, “The world taste bitter; life was agony” (Hesse, 1922/2005. p.21). Here he expresses how siddhartha feels towards life after giving up his possessions. I can very much relate to this quote in my experience. I felt the same exact way in the sense that everything was dull without snapchat. It was very agonizing for me as expressed here. Hesse also described, “...while blood dripped from his burning skin and pus came to his lesions” (Hesse, 1922/2005, p.22). I found this quote actually to be the exact opposite of my experience. While Siddhartha’s experienced physical and very harsh pain, I felt very minor emotional and mental pain. hesse ;astyle wrote, “He achieved self-dissolution through meditation, by the concentrate clearing of all perceptions from his senses” (Hesse, 1922/2005, p.23). Here, Hesse express how Siddhartha had essentially come the end of his life not dying however, just barely staying alive, by meditating. This again was the opposite of my experience in the sense that I tried my own version of meditating, however, I had the opposite intention Siddhartha had. I used meditation for coping.
In conclusion, I feel that this experiment was a very good idea. I thought that it helped me to reflect on my life and realize that I take a lot of stuff for granted. From this experience I’ve gained a bit of wisdom and knowledge along the way that I intend to implement into my life. In the end, I would like to so something like this again in the future and maybe even for a longer time and a bigger item to give