1. In this first section of Siddhartha, the protagonist learns multiple lessons along his journey which each contribute to his final destination. Once Siddhartha leaves the Buddha, he comes to develop several life-realizations. One discovery however, is a key aspect in guiding Siddhartha towards a very new and different path. Throughout Siddhartha’s practice among the Samanas, he focused solely upon losing every part of the Self. While removing all his life desires and needs, Siddhartha never paused to study each of these self-elements. In his moment of awakening, Siddhartha recognizes the importance in studying the Self. Without any knowledge or understanding of the Self, it’s possessor cannot …show more content…
2. One significant archetypal element Hesse choses to include in Part 1 of Siddhartha is the character Govinda and his purpose. Although Govinda rarely converses with Siddhartha, his faithful presence and few words assist yet hinder Siddhartha in his quest. Although Govinda’s character cannot be strictly categorized, he possesses multiple traits that each describe a different archetypal character. Govinda advises Siddhartha occasionally when directly addressed. However, not all of Govinda’s responses are filled with wisdom or opinion. In many scenes, Siddhartha appears to teach Govinda. The inclusion of Govinda’s character may not appear vital to Siddhartha’s journey. However, Govinda serves Siddhartha as a follower. Govinda not only helps the reader witness Siddhartha’s skills of leadership and teaching, but foreshadows the possibility of Siddhartha’s future as a spiritual teacher. During Siddhartha and Govinda’s time together, Siddhartha has not yet understood himself or his life purpose. Govinda continues to trail Siddhartha through this period perhaps because Govinda himself is asking the same questions as Siddhartha. …show more content…
An emerging theme in Siddhartha is the dissatisfactions and struggles of man. One is constantly experiencing discomforts and problems in life. Hesse opens the book by illustrating Siddhartha’s early life. Young Siddhartha appears to possess very few struggles. He is loved by all, blessed with admirable qualities and physical features, and has a welcoming home, “…Siddartha, the handsome Brahmin’s son, grew up with his friend Govinda. The sun browned his slender shoulders…” (pg 1). The future for Siddhartha is clear, yet bright and suggests very little suffering “he saw him growing up to be a great learned man, a priest, a prince among Brahmins.” (pg 2). However, Siddhartha realizes he “himself was not happy.” (pg 2). Siddhartha questioned his purpose on earth. Siddhartha knew the answer to this was nowhere near his comfortable reach. Hesse illuminates the fact that mankind has seen so many struggles that overtime his original purpose for living has been lost. Unlike most, Siddhartha looks through these discomforts and finds they are small in comparison to his ultimate question. In the first section, Siddhartha attempts to seek this answer by throwing all of man’s discomforts away, “Instructed by the eldest of the Samanas, Siddhartha practiced self-denial and meditation…” (pg 11). Using this approach, Siddhartha unfortunately cannot fulfill his journey “’…we learn tricks with which we deceive ourselves, but the essential thing—the way—we do not find.’” (pg 15). Using