However, by focusing on the way the “supposedly” positive effects that these children and teens experience by using these social media sites, the authors overlooks the deeper problem of these social networks. The point is that by meeting new people online and having a relationship with them, without actually knowing who they are, is like inviting predators to harm you, or invade your privacy, cyber-bullying, as well as identity theft to your person. Therefore, as parent it is important to moderate what your child is doing on the internet, as well as putting ground rules on the uses of social media …show more content…
For example, even though we are not using video games on social media, it is also a technology, adolescents as well as children, can become addicted too. In the book “Oryx and Crake” Margaret Atwood’s characters, Crake and Jimmy, would play on Crake’s computers all day long: “Crake would get fixated on a game, and would want to play it and play it and perfect his attack until he was sure he could win, nine out of ten anyway. For a whole month they’d play Barbarian Stomp (See If You Can Change History!)” (77). The diction, play it and play it implies that by playing and playing games all day long can lead to become addicted to technology, thus it can lead to health problems because the child or adolescent can become anti-social or have behavioral problems. Therefore, young people are becoming dependent of their phones and computers because they want to be up to date on what their social media sites or games on their electronics. When teenagers and kids have their technology devices taken away from them, they can become aggressive, restless, or cause a fit, thus showing signs of addiction. For example, when someone is addicted to drugs and they suddenly stop using the drug, they have withdrawal symptoms, which is an equivalent to what some of these young people are experiencing. Furthermore, the uses of technology are making young adolescents despondent. For example