If you relate that to your everyday life I’m positive that there is always those people that run through your head while just thinking about it. If you feel at all guilty while reading this then it’s time for you to do something about it. Social media has made life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Some of the cases that were given in the passage were really relatable. A quote from Turkle’s book reads, “To stay free from parents, I don’t take my cell. Then they can’t reach me. My mother tells me to take my cell, but I just don’t.” (Turkle 431) Most children don’t find that when they get a phone it’s a bad thing by getting it because you feel that you are obligated to answer your phone at any given point when your parents call you. A lot of kids are also oblivious to the fact that their parents chose to give the cell phone to them and they can choose to take it away just as
If you relate that to your everyday life I’m positive that there is always those people that run through your head while just thinking about it. If you feel at all guilty while reading this then it’s time for you to do something about it. Social media has made life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Some of the cases that were given in the passage were really relatable. A quote from Turkle’s book reads, “To stay free from parents, I don’t take my cell. Then they can’t reach me. My mother tells me to take my cell, but I just don’t.” (Turkle 431) Most children don’t find that when they get a phone it’s a bad thing by getting it because you feel that you are obligated to answer your phone at any given point when your parents call you. A lot of kids are also oblivious to the fact that their parents chose to give the cell phone to them and they can choose to take it away just as