Rhetorical Analysis Of The Flight From Conversation

Improved Essays
“The Flight from Conversation” by Sherry Turkle;
A Rhetorical Analysis
Sherry Turkle, a M.I.T professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society as well as being the author of “Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other.” Turkle recently wrote an Op-ed piece entitled The Flight from Conversation that talked about peoples’ inner dependency on technology. By using several examples ranging from a business man so engulfed in his Blackberry that he doesn’t talk to his co-workers to a child who confides in Sherry that “he wishes he could talk to an artificial intelligence program instead of his dad about dating; he said that the A.I. would have so much more in its database” (Turkle, par.17). These shocking
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8) are the ones looking down at their phone like zombies, texting and jamming to music with big earphones while walking around. Everyone does this in hopes to avoid a conversation but they are just afraid to start a conversation and being alone, so we as scared humans are grasping at the internet to relieve our pain and communicate easily. A lot of people mentioned “Siri” who is your virtual assistant on your Iphone. The scary part is that people wish it would become more of a tiny virtual friend that you can confide in rather than another person. It is terrifying because it destroys the society so rapidly. Even if everyone is on the same room they wouldn’t be talking to each other they would be conversing with a virtual …show more content…
Whether we are texting or on phone calls we are constantly connected. However, the fact is that even if people can maintain a long distance relationship by using the internet, those relationships through internet are not real. Even if people have friends on Facebook who answer on posts no one can be sure if it is fake at heart or true. As well as the internet is good for staying in contact with each other from time to time but it cannot be substituted for a decent verbal communication. All these facts can be seen in the article by Sherry Turkle, she increases all her facts with highly compelling first person accounts of the destruction of face to face communication. Overall, the article Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle is an overwhelming article to start thinking about the slow decay of our verbally communicating society and it is a wake-up-call which everybody really needs to look at and seriously

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