Analysis Of Stop Googling Let's Talk By Sherry Turkle

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Losing your face The article “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk” by Sherry Turkle explains to concerned educators and adults how technology and multitasking is splitting our attention, hindering our ability to properly communicate, and express empathy for one another. Using logos and ethos, Turkle promptly displays a concerning amount of evidence of the degradation of our face to face communication skills; however, by immediately countering any arguments for cell phone usage Turkle leaves the pathos of the article mainly one sided. Turkle does this by posing four viewpoints. The first viewpoint Turkle used is firsthand accounts of people worried about how cell phones are causing a decline in face to face conversation. The second viewpoint is that …show more content…
She starts with a 2015 study by the Pew Research center, where they concluded most people feel like they hurt the last social event they were a part of due to using their phones. She next uses a survey conducted by The University of Michigan over the course of thirty years to reinforce her claim by revealing a decrease in the rate of empathy in the college environment. The author then uses Psychologist Yalda T.Uhls study of a device free camp to help introduce the topic of solitude. After a claim arguing that technology can’t be bad if you use alone. Turkle brings to attention that the time we spend alone is being outsourced to technology. To support this claim, she uses a study by Timothy D. Wilson from The University of Virginia on the human capacity of solitude which supports her claim. To help support her claim even further, Turkle uses a 2014 Pew study that found using social media puts just as much pressure on people as regular conversations do. Turkle then reflects on what Psychologists Howard Gardiner and Katie Davis had said people losing their patience and expect things to be quick and efficient; this has been coined term “The app generation”. In conclusion, this explains how the presence and even the absence of technology can be detrimental to the way a conversation is carried out as well as the valuable time we have for …show more content…
While we don’t want to have to give up technology we need to use it wisely and sparingly. She tells us that we need to combat technology; however, we can’t just combat it by setting time to use technology and put away when we are talking. Turkle says the one of the most important things we need to do is reclaim solitude, because with the loss of self-reflection and take ability one thing at a time; people might mistake our impulsiveness as lack of empathy. She claims that we can still reclaim conversation by avoiding the idea that everything is quick and efficient, and that we can redefine how technology works. Finally, Turkle concludes that we need to acknowledge the unintended consequences of using technology and know that we are still resilient enough to recover from our over usage of technology. Sherry Turkle the author of article “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk” persuades educators and adults that technology and multitasking is splitting our attention. By using a strong logos and ethos she shows concerning evidence of face to face communication being degraded and explains how we can fix it. The author leaves the pathos of the article mainly one sided to further persuade the audience that we must change how and when we use

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