Critical Analysis Of Growing Up Tethered By Sherry Turkle

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The article Growing Up Tethered written by Sherry Turkle argues that other than benefiting our lives, technology also has side effects that impair our abilities to truly be independent. She then further explains how this current generation is restricted rather than freed by the technology today. This topic is important because it discusses how we might be together in the sense of collaboration, at which almost everyone is doing it, and becoming what was once considered problematic. Also we are not entirely connected, but at the same time, we are not entirely separated, and thus the readers care because we are included in the issue, and we are affected by the issue. Today’s technology might have given us an eye opening experience, and created the opportunity for us to connect with the rest of the world in a much simpler way. However, it also created a habit that was once considered narcissism, or labeled pathological. Technology gives us the ability to contact our parents at will, thus we take advantage of this ability, and never unlatch. Consequently, the adolescent of this generation are not able to develop “strong personal boundaries”, illustrating her main claim, the principle of “Growing Up Tethered.” …show more content…
For example, when she wrote “Consider Leo, a college sophomore far from home, who feels crippling loneliness.” (Turkle, 436) She creates a college feeling that the audience can connect to, especially the students. The scary and lonely feeling that one have when they first move out from their home to attend college. Additionally the idea of technology is also a very popular topic already, especially among this generation. Most readers of the UVU Review probably owns some kind of technology which could includes cell phones or computers, thus is easier for the readers to understand and relate to her

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