Her second claim is that there are three powerful fantasies that all humans share: that we will always be heard, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be, and that we never have to be alone. Turkle feels that one of the main reasons social media has become so popular is because it provides automatic listeners, thus fulfilling all three of the powerful fantasies. I feel that this is true. In addition, ranting on Facebook or Twitter or other forms of social media provides people with vent without the added strain of trying to hold a conversation which requires both give and take (para. 20). Turkle concludes her article with a call to action. She advocates for educating the youth on how to be content when alone and gives examples of how to ensure the next generation
Her second claim is that there are three powerful fantasies that all humans share: that we will always be heard, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be, and that we never have to be alone. Turkle feels that one of the main reasons social media has become so popular is because it provides automatic listeners, thus fulfilling all three of the powerful fantasies. I feel that this is true. In addition, ranting on Facebook or Twitter or other forms of social media provides people with vent without the added strain of trying to hold a conversation which requires both give and take (para. 20). Turkle concludes her article with a call to action. She advocates for educating the youth on how to be content when alone and gives examples of how to ensure the next generation