Discrimination In The Classroom Essay

Improved Essays
Discussion 12 Psychology
Is there anything about this experiment that you find disturbing? If so, explain what you find disturbing and why. If not, then explain why not. Yes, I found disturbing the people of Riceville, Iowa attitude, especially the teachers’ attitude. Moreover, it was disturbing that hundreds of American wrote letters and called to protest, insult, and minimized Mrs. J. Elliot’s outstanding exercise. Did they write letters to pay their respects to the family of Dr. King’s? Do they feel sad for the lost of one of the best American leaders of America’s history? The most disturbing behavior was the outrageous and violent opposition from her colleagues.
(2) How do you think adults might react in a similar experiment? Why? Unfortunately, racism and discrimination are still deeply ingrained in our culture. Therefore, adults will react the same as the inhabitants of Riceville. Just listen to Donald’s Trump outrageous statements. I know for a fact, that some people still believe that dark skinned individuals are trained to endure mistreatment and are some sort of beast of burden. For instance, I know an educator, who has to take the lowest scored students, newcomers, and students with behavior problems, at the same time. One of her colleagues had no shame when she told others, “I do not want this kid in my classroom, give to Mrs. Perez, she is accustomed to work with this kind of students and I do not have time to deal with non-readers.” I pointed Mrs. S. lack of professionalism to some of my coworkers; they minimized the comment by telling me that she was joking. The situation is still occurring; despite Mrs. Perez plight for equality. Sadly, some people do not realize that institutional racism is part of our daily lives. Since, we are blind to it, there is little improvement. However, I recognize that racism decreased since Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination. Unfortunately, among the minorities racism, intolerance, and discrimination
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Despite the students outbursts, seems that Mrs. Elliot kept her good classroom management chaos was never reported. After, this unfortunate event, which took the life of one of the most brilliant minds, in the world, the whole American population was supposed to be shaken and willing to stop their nonsense. We need more pacifists like Dr. King to wake-up. Discrimination in any form hurts the oppressed, but in the long run, hurts more the oppressors. We, as avant garde people, need to remember that still today, minorities and ethnic groups are at a disadvantage in relation to the majority population. We should give minorities more resources, let them to have access to decision making processes, and this process should begin in elementary school …show more content…
Verbal aggression fights, and suicides might have occurred if the experiment had continued for more than two days. Some of the students have turned into a small version of the Ku-Klux, Klan. The students at the end might be two gangs; the blue-eyed gang and the brown eyed gang, trying to destroy each other. Parents might have actively joined the fight and the community, might have ended completely shattered. Minorities might be isolated themselves or moved to a different community.
(5) Discuss at least two things that you learned &/or that surprised you about the material presented in Chapter 12 of your textbook and/or in the article on the Smithsonian

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