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Accurate information is information that can be proven and has factual explanation to back it up. Inaccurate is biased and opinionated work that usual carries lies. In A Mighty Long Way Page 108, Carlotta mentions a newspaper that talked about the daily life of the Little Rock 9 kids. “Not entirely calm, by any means, but not in turmoil either”, this statement made it seem like everything was okay and that things had cooled. Carlotta states “... but from the center of drama, it sure felt like turmoil to me”. According to the previous evidence, we get a first hand account that cancels out whatever the newspaper said. The medium is called text, due to the fact that it was written in a newspaper that contained both lies and false facts. In “Little Rock Girl 1957” it shows a photograph of a black man, Alex Wilson, being beaten by a group of white people. In addition to that, they include a brief description that sends out a clear message meaning no chances of different interpretations making it accurate.