A force of 150 guardsmen were assembled and placed to assist the police at Central but they weren’t called on.
The Arkansas National Guard’s actions were actually applauded by some people in the crowd.
The superintendent of Little Rock Schools, Virgil Blossom, said, “I have nothing but praise for the Guardsmen and the manner in which they performed a trying job under difficult circumstances.”
Ten days later in a meeting with president with Eisenhower, Faubus agreed to use the National Guard to protect the African American Teenagers, but when they …show more content…
Many people were screaming and shouting mean things to the nine students as they were entering the school.
Within hours, the outrageous mob had beaten several reporters and smashed many of the school’s windows and doors.
Elizabeth Eckford says, “I was not prepared for what actually happened.”
The crowd of people would chase some of the nine students when they were in classes that were not indoors such as P.E.
Teachers were very rude to the nine students, allowing the white students to verbally and physically abuse the black students.
They had to make the students leave early, around noon, or else they wouldn’t be able to leave the school with all nine students.
The 101st Airborne Union are from Kentucky and were sent to Little Rock, Arkansas to control the crowd outside of Central High.
Mayor of Little Rock, Woodrow Wilson Mann, asked President Eisenhower to send federal troops to protect the nine students as they were getting in and out of Central High during schooling hours.
Even with the 101st Airborne Division, they were still getting verbally and physically abused by many white