Social Media's Negative Impact On Society

Improved Essays
On average a person looks at their phone 150 times per day, and 46% of Americans say its something they could not live without. This affects the younger generation more because they have grown up with it and now it is something to be reliant on. Our smartphones are there to remind us of things to do, to look up information, and most importantly to communicate with others. Although, cell phones are a quick and easy way to communicate, the amount of time society spends on their phones is found to negatively impact other aspects of their lives. Society spends countless numbers of hours with their heads buried in the phone. Staying up to date with the latest tweets, Facebook, and instagram posts. Social media allows people to see what others are doing on a daily basis. Instagram allows people to see perfectly captured moments. Posts include expensive …show more content…
However, moments that are not so great aren’t likely to be posted. These social media applications have such a negative impact on society because we spend so much of our time looking at what other people have then actually working on ourselves. The amount of time spent on our smart phones impacts us more than we know. According to research done by Samasa- Kanyinga , Hugues, and Rosamund Lewis, out of 753 students where 55% of them were Female, more than 22.5% said they spent 2 hours a day sending text messages. (380). Daily use of electronic messaging is independently associated with poor self-rating and mental health issues. These social applications are supposed to be here to easily connect with the people around us, however social media allows people to follow everyone’s lives so closely that is becomes hard not to compare yourself. In this study there were reports of high levels of psychological distress and suicidal ideation (Samasa 381). These levels have skyrocketed over the years, due to the increase of social media use. Most of these suicidal thoughts are occurring

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