I think the use of social media in politics is a useful and effective way for our government to find out what people expect from their leaders. Carr mentioned in his essay, “Presidential campaign is becoming just another social-media stream” As we are all aware now, presidents like Donald Trump are bombing social-media with their non-sense ideas. People have the chance in social media like Facebook and twitter, to talk and question him and other like-minded leaders. In social media the use of comments can help a government become a better so too realize what are its weakness. Social media have been very essential strategy for successful companies to see what is costumers taste over their products. …show more content…
Social media gives the option to companies to make interactions and communicated with Costumers or brand lovers. As Jenny Q.ta in her article “What Impact Has Social Media Truly Had on Society” mentioned, “Interactions and feedbacks from customers help businesses to understand the market”. These interactions are comments and likes that can have positive and negative results. For business owners comments act like a survey, comments can convince others to buy the product, which will increase the amount of costumers, although Sometimes comments can turn against them if they are negative. Also as jenny Q.ta uses in her essay that companies “give away prizes to enthuse consumers to visit their social website page”. I remember in high school years teachers wouldn’t lead students to use their phone during their class hours. Research shows that the use of smartphones in school may cause distractions for student. One of the popular uses of technology and social media nowadays is texting, which makes communication easier for some. I believe that using text massages in social media points at you and shows that this is your respond, As Michaela Cullington in her essay” Does texting affects writing” noted that “Texting helps students develop their own Individual voice” (364). Text massage are the brief and short massages that are communicated between two or more people some people use Emoji to show their emotion and feeling, however Cullington argued, “texts lack feelings because of their tendency to be short, brief and to the point” (363). Texting can encourage students to write what they cant say face to face and also can make them practice their writing indeed texting “provides students with motivation to write, practice in specific writing skills, and an opportunity to gain confidence in their writing” (Cullington 364). Social media and Internet are meant to make our lives easier. Some people don’t like to read books or magazines because they have to dig for the information that they are looking for. But Internet is a helpful way to look for information’s that we need. As Nicolas Carr mentioned in his essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid” that, “Net is becoming a universal medium, the conduit for most of the information that flows through my eyes and ears and into my mind”(315). Humans are social animals (Karadkar). Some of us view Tinder and other dating apps