How Cell Phones Changed UScially Essay

Improved Essays
How Cell Phones Have Changed Us Socially?
Cellular phones have caused many changes in social interaction today. They are the most common thing people have in their hands instead of a book. Even the youngest generation has access to cellphones. Young people use their cell phones differently than older adults. “Most people use cellular phones for texting, checking emails, searching the web, taking pictures, tweeting, snapchatting, and face-booking” (Ira Hyman Ph. D 2014). The expectation for social interaction has increased.
Cell phones can have either a positive or negative effect on younger and older adult. Being on the cell phone for hours can call brain damages, and that’s call microwave radiation. Cell phones may force people to be anti-social, lose patience easily, and use incorrect spelling. It limits our face- to- face interactions with one another. “Cell phones have caused a big issue with spelling and grammar” (Ira Hyman Ph. D, 2014). A positive impact that cell phones have on today’s society is the ability to contact family and friends in case of an emergency. A cell phone is a very convenient device, but people use it in
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These devices is enabling; they are changing cultural norms and values, and demonstrating consumers’ ability to modify and upgrade technology for their own use. Cell phones have become increasingly important tool utilized every day. As a positive effect we have become a society that is completely dependent on our technology to communicate with others. These devices can be considered to be a mini- computer. “Innovations in society inevitably change us either for good or bad”(psychology today). “The device is creating what some experts call the “Narcisst Generation”- those who truly believe they are so important and popular with their thoughts they make themselves available to whom over needs them” (psychology

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