III. Conclusion The literature provided from this research contributes to my study because I am looking at the effects of social networking applications on students at universities as well. Although my research is more specific to underclassmen attending Historical Black Colleges and Institutions, the subject of the research is still very similar and helpful to my research. I plan to do a similar survey and more in depth observation and analysis to find the effects of social networking on college students and whether or not those effects are positive, negative, or neutral. Research Design and Methods For this study, I will specifically choose three underclassmen students living in my resident hall and observe their lifestyles in terms of use of social networking applications and time management. The reason for choosing underclassmen students is because upperclassmen tend to have fewer classes than underclassmen and have a better knowledge of how to manage time which would make the survey heavily weighted on one side. Also, I am an underclassman so it would be best to survey students at the same level as I am to give myself a better understanding of the information I plan to gather. I will spend the time observing students behaviors while they are completing homework, get them to log how many hours of sleep they get on that given night(s) and how much physical activity they involve themselves in, get them to list the meals they consume, and ask them each one random question about a current event or global issue. These observations will be conducted on a one week period; a Monday, a Wednesday, a Friday, a Saturday, and a Sunday, repeating the same procedure each day with each of the three students. These students will know in advance the time periods in which I will observe their behaviors, although it will be best to not inform them specifically what questions I will ask in order to avoid prepared answering. Questions and Hypothesis The results of this study should bring about a better understanding of the impact of social networking on underclassmen students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities. …show more content…
Many minds in the world believe that social networking only has negative impacts on college students, and young adults in general, when in fact this same method of networking has positive affects as well. These results will helpfully add to the debate of social networking being a demising new age fad that young adults and teenagers are taking part in. In the real world, specifically in this age, social networking is a more advance way of professionally networking with people in your area, out of state, and all across the world. It makes communication a lot easier, convenient, and efficient. With these results, a mindset of negativity towards social networking should be altered or at least tampered to see that it is a good source of networking and communication, if used strategically and moderately. Hopefully these results will also encourage professors of universities to incorporate the use of social networking in assignments and even class discussions. Conclusion As a Computer Information Systems major and studying the foundations and composition of computer applications, I would like to research the effects that social networks have on underclassmen undergraduate students attending an Historically Black College or University. In order to conduct this research, a study and survey must be held to determine whether social networking positively or negatively affects grade point averages by recording the number of social networks students are actively using and the number of hours spent on these applications in comparison to grade point averages. This research is important because there are many individuals who do not know the effects of their social networking, or lack thereof, has on their grades, sleeping patterns, health, and