Ski Jump Research Paper

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Introduction: Ski jumping is one of the competitive sports with the Olympian ideal of going faster, jumping further and leaping higher than the opposition (Muller 269). However, sometimes accidents happen. For example, Thomas Morgenstern crashed during a trial round for the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup in Bad Mitterndorf. Later, he was hospitalized with skull injuries and a bruised lung (The Associated Press). Then, why did this accident happen? What influenced the performance of Morgenstern and how much did these factors affect his performance? In the past, no one was aware of the dangers caused by winds in the ski jump. According to the Federation Internationale De Ski (FIS) and Real World Physics Problems, they found out that the performance …show more content…
This essay is also aimed at observing the most and the least influential wind direction during the performance of ski jumping. As a result, we can investigate how the direction of the wind affects the performance of ski jumper.
I assume that upward going wind will bring the maximum distance and will be the most influential wind direction during the performance of the ski jumping. It is because of the V-shape pose of ski jumper. If the wind coming from backward maximizes the distance, why do ski jumpers lay down as much as possible and become a V-shape? V-shape will expand the surface of area receiving wind and this will allow more wind to carry the performer farther.
Background Information &
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During my experiment, the same human figure is used. As a result, the weight which is one of the external forces acting on the ski jumper remains constant. Moreover, the velocity of a figure is controlled constantly as 2.5m/s. In addition, the drag coefficient, the area and the density of the air have the same values. These mean it is available to control two main external forces acting on the ski jumper. As a result, we can collect more reliable results and observe the effects of different wind direction on the results of the ski jumper clearly.
Experiment Setup Description: An experiment is designed to study the effects of different wind direction on the performance and results of ski jumping events in particular slope, Russki Gorki Ski Jumping Center. The slope I used is made of two plastic molding connected smoothly. Further, the ratio of the slope between one I made (Figure 1 below) and real Russki Gorki Ski Jumping Center (Figure 2 below) ( ) is 1:50 (Berkutshi).
Figure 1 and 2: Slope I used and real Russki Gorki Ski Jumping Center:

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