Should Women Carry Guns For Protection?

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Essay 4
Should women carry guns for protection? The worldwide rate of abused and violated women is high. It is globally known that women are easy targets for violence, so we deduce that females need additional protection. Many believe that women should be allowed to carry weapons to protect themselves independently, while others believe in alternative solutions. No can deny that women need protection, yet people argue about the methods. As a female, this decision must made without emotion intervention. I believe that women should protect themselves without carrying guns since it can be used against the victim during the crime, it is a reminder of lake of safety, and civilians in general should not be allowed to carry guns. There is a great possibility that the target who has a weapon can be victimized by their own defense-device for a couple of reasons. A death sentence might be the end of a sexual abuse or a robbery. Due to the fact that when the
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Even though protection is an important element to life better and safer life, feeling safe is more important. We were taught as kids to be alerted of our surroundings and ready to use a protective weapon when there is a threat. However, thinking continuously about the danger, will defiantly lead to unpleasant results. Nevertheless, holding a physical protection will have a stronger effect on us. For example, a working-lady has a gun in her car because she believes that she needs this kind of protection when she is in certain areas in the city. She is always ready to use it to protect herself when she visits danger neighborhoods. If a suspicious man came over her car, she will be ready to use that gun to protect herself. However, her gun will always be handy if a man asked her for direction, too. She will keep her weapon close to her whenever she opens her car window. In other words, she will be stuck in a loop of fear whenever she rides her

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