Summary Of A Peaceful Women Explains Why She Carries A Gun

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Women should carry handguns with them everywhere they go because it will protect them in any situations. In “A Peaceful Women Explains Why She Carries a Gun” by Linda M. Hasselstrom, the author explains to her readers why she carries a handgun. She carries a handgun because it makes her feel safe when it is in her possession. Secondly, carrying a handgun demands people to do the right thing. Finally, it avoids you from getting yourself in dangerous situations. For women, carrying a handgun is essential for protection because it gives you a sense of security. Hasselstrom carries a handgun because it makes her feel safe when it is in her possession. For example, she explains this story of when she had it in her possession on the road: It worked again recently when I was driving in a desolate part of Wyoming. A man played cat- and-mouse- with me for thirty miles, ultimately trying to run me off the road. When his car passed mine with only two inches to spare, I showed him my pistol, and he disappeared(275)
She explains this story to readers because she wants the readers to understand that the handgun changed the balance of power. For example, in the story she told us, when the man saw the handgun in Hasselstrom possession he went running. He went running
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When we returned from a walk, we found our closest neighbors were two young men. As we gathered our cooking gear, they drank beer and loudly discussed what they would do to us after dark. Nearby campers, even families, ignored them: rangers strolled past, unconcerned. When we asked the rangers point-blank if they would protect us, one of them patted my shoulder and said “Don’t worry, girls. They’re just kidding.” At dusk we drove out of the park and hid camp in the woods a few miles away. I returned from the trip determined to reconsider the options available for protecting myself.

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