It is hard to ignore the fact that social networks is a part of almost everyone’s lives nowadays. Social media has gained an increase in popularity and growth over the last decade. With the advancement of technology, there has been an escalation in society’s usage of social networks. “When you just wake up and open your eyes, you don’t have to walk outside to get the newspaper, just take your phone and scroll your Twitter timeline then you’ll get the information” (Karli). A social network is a dedicated website or application that enables users to communicate with each other through personal inboxes or comments. Social networks have many uses: communication, research, sharing moments through photos and videos, and expressing ideas. Social …show more content…
Next, I will trace the history of social networks back to the early 1990s where it began. Finally, I will advocate to why the United States of America’s government should consider regulating the time America users spend using social media because of its harmful effects.
As of January 2014, 74% of American adults use a social media websites. This is an increase from 2008 when only 28% of American adults were utilizing social media (Pew Research). The timeline of the increase in usage displays the rapid positive growth of social networks’ consumption. As of today over 75% of American use social media (Statista 2015). Social networks’ existence is extremely prevalent in today’s society.
With social media’s status gaining interest amongst the population, researchers have also taken interest in social media. Researchers have revealed that social networks have negative impacts on their users. Social media can cause health disorders such as ADHD, harm students grades, can possibly spread false information quickly, let criminals recruit and promote