Should Driving Age Be Raised To 14?

Improved Essays
Sixteen year old drivers aren’t the safest drivers on the road. Why should we decrease the legal driving age to fourteen? We shouldn’t! Evidence shows us that at the age of 14, the frontal lobe is developing, and traits such as maturity and responsibility are lacking. The legal driving age should not lower to fourteen.
Sixteen years olds are, generally, more mature than fourteen year olds. Fourteen year olds, including myself, are more likely to swerve because of a bug hitting the windshield. They are also, are more likely to be distracted by phones or things unrelated to what is happening on the road. A sixteen year old is going to be able to control themselves better than a fourteen year old. They are more focused and would be able to distinguish what is important to pay attention to and what isn’t. A fourteen year old is not as mature as a sixteen year old.
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Laurence Steinberg, a Temple University psychology professor found that, “The connections within the brain don’t fully branch out until age 22 or so. The kinds of capabilities that connectivity contributes to — emotion regulation and impulse control — probably plateau in the early to mid-20s.” The Society for Neuroscience says, “Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of human brain maturation during the adolescent years have consistently shown subtle increases in total brain volume along with regionally variable patterns of reductions in gray matter volume and increases in total white matter volume” The left hemisphere of the brain which is in charge of logical thinking, hasn’t formed until age fourteen. A sixteen year old is going to have more experience with logical thinking than a fourteen year old. The frontal lobes of people that are fourteen and younger aren’t

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