Satire Essay On Abortion

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Meanwhile, pregnancy is seen as a blessing when planned and wanted, forced and unwanted pregnancy, could be considered a curse for women who don’t want a baby. What happens when couples don’t use sufficient protection and an unwanted pregnancy occurs? Would abortion be applied in this case? How is that scenario different from someone who has been a victim of rape? This is when the widely controversial societal issue, abortion, comes into play. Besides being the most explosive political topic in the past twenty-five years, abortion has become part of America daily life. We continuously have an opinion towards this topic, either for or against it. Opinions regarding abortion are divided, causing turmoil among us. According to our society and …show more content…
Things become more complicated when pro-life supporters bring up religion to backup their opinions in this matter. I have seen many who don’t have a clear understanding of abortion and what it entails, and use religion support their stand. In this country, religion is very diverse, and most believes that the termination of pregnancy is a sin and is not acceptable in our society. Responsibility is a crucial factor when it comes to defending pregnancy. Pro-life supporters think that if someone chooses to have intercourse, they should bear responsibility and deal with the consequences of their acts. I think there is more to taking responsibility for our own acts. For instance, teenagers will continue to have unprotected intercourse because to them the idea of unwanted pregnancy is not much important in their lives. Instead, why don’t we implement sexual education in schools and provide more counseling and rapid help to students? I remember back in High School the only class we spoke about sex, contraceptives, and the dangers of having unprotected sex was in my sophomore year of High School. If this happened in an urban area, what assures us that the rural areas of this country are provided with sexual education? I do think that instead of passing laws that prohibit or legalizes abortion; the educational system of this country should implement its laws to better educate young children in America, and minimizes abortion in the

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