Throughout this course, writing took more than just writing about what you read. Here I learned to process all the information that needs to be processed and come up with some way to get it out on paper. With writing I have learned that vocabulary and grammar are two very affective sides to it. With grammar I have learned when to end a sentence. Working on grammar for my writing also allowed me to learn, when the time came for me to use punctuation and extend the sentence. In learning of vocabulary in this course I managed to learn of how using a short range of words through the assignment may be a bad thing in making someone fill constrained within the repetitiveness. From this course it has also become clear to me just how far apart reading and writing really are, “Readers must focus their attention and bring certain interests and capacities to their reading experiences, whereas writers have to diffuse their attention to consider all the possible items that could go into the text being written”(14). The way that readers and writers have to process the words reaching their heads is amazing, but conflicting since most writers like reading and vice …show more content…
It may seem like writers research their topic during a long time before writing their stories, but that would not be true. “writers do not research a paper and then sit down to write”(21), writers are a messy complex type of people. Reseach papers are complicated and I did not actually like writing one especially after the amount of procrastination I did. The research in this course however, caused me to, if nothing else, learn of the problems in education and standardized tests. With my first research paper having to be a minimum of 7 pages, with at least five sources, at the very least now know how to research well