Fox (1992, p.2) mentions that ‘professionalism means different things to different people.’ Therefore, for the basis of this …show more content…
With the recent severe failures in care and the subsequent negative publicity, it is arguable that public confidence in the healthcare system has declined (Francis, 2013). Consequently, this places more responsibility on healthcare professionals to help restore the confidence by improving the patients’ experiences through professionalism. However, by shouting at Anna in front of a patient, Thandie undermines Anna’s value and diminishes patient confidence in the profession. Henceforth it would be valuable to Thandie’s practice to not only consider and reflect on the guidelines and regulations in meeting the expectations of the profession, but to understand the impact such actions have on the morale of her colleagues and …show more content…
In forgetting to explain the procedure to a partially sighted patient, Anna commits a criminal offence by not gaining an informed consent (HCPC, 2016, p.12; ScoR, 2013, p.6). Besides being a legal requirement, gaining consent demonstrates a respect for the dignity and rights of the patient. Lack of this can negatively impact Anna’s relationship with the patient. Anna needs to be present in the moment, provide a person-centred care that fully focuses on the patient and appreciate that the patient is putting their trust in