In one instance, after being told to get to know a player of the opposite race, two teammates were shown asking each other questions after practice. The white player, Ray, asked the black player, Pete, about his dad. Ray asked what Pete’s dad did for a living, then said “wait, he does have a job right?” This relates to Croteau and Hoynes discussion of racial minorities being depicted as problem people, and the racial stereotypes portrayed in films and television (201). The scene displays the racial stereotype that African Americans are lazy and unable to hold a …show more content…
Coach Boone, the black head coach of the football team, was the main character whose actions revealed this dominant ideology. When the two teams first merged, the players feared for their starting positions now that there was more competition. Coach Boone made it known that he was not going to pick favorites based on the color of the players’ skin. He stated that “The best player will play, color won’t matter.” Boone forced the players to get to know one another and to treat each other as teammates and equals. When addressing the team, he stated “I don’t care if you like each other, but you will respect each other.” Coach Boone knew that the team had to form a mutual respect for one another in order to bridge the gap between the races. The players were able to bond as teammates once they got to know one another and viewed each player for who he was as an individual and not based on the color of his