Remember The Titans Prejudice Quotes Pride And Prejudice

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Prejudice - Have We Changed?

Prejudice. It is the ability to judge someone without any prior knowledge on them. It is the ability to judge someone from a mere appearance. Whether it is the colour of their skin, the clothes they wear, or what they believe in. Prejudice is a word that sums up any and all forms of judgement, something that is apparent throughout history. Whether it is the racism in ‘Remember the Titans,’ the sexism in ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ judgement in ‘On the Sidewalk Bleeding,’ or discrimination in ‘The Butler,’ prejudice is the one word that sums up these behaviours.
Throughout most of the movie, ‘Remember the Titans,’ Boaz Yakin shows the theme of prejudice. Prejudice, which is shown through racism and judgement. It is set
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She is already married, to Romeo. "Henceforward I am ever ruled by you." Juliet later appears to be succumbing to the rule of her father, realising that she does not have a choice. As she planned, this appeased his rage. Capulet is happy, the marriage of Paris and Juliet will make him more powerful than he ever thought. So he sends word that the wedding shall commence. However his daughter is plotting something, something to rid her of this problem. Just like in ‘Remember the Titans,’ Capulet is attempting to control his daughter. This is something Boone tries to do with his team. Though both of these people seek control in different ways. Boone seeks to do what is best for his team, and right now they need tough love. While Capulet seeks to control Juliet for his own selfish ambitions. To supress her from the real world. However, Juliet is not some player to be controlled, she is an independent woman. Shakespeare shows us how men are seen as above women, for no apparent reason. This gives men a sense of dominance over women. He teaches us that women should be braver, that they should stand up. They not a second-class human. Women need to see themselves as equals, as they well and truly …show more content…
In The Bronx, a fight gone badly has left Andy dying on the sidewalk, he is bleeding out. No matter how many people stumble across him, nobody helps. He pleads to the sky, maybe to God, that he is Andy, not a Royal. This is his last wish, to be an individual for a change. He was only ever seen as a Royal, and for a time it was fine. It was his home when he did not have one. But now he realises this ‘home’ is what got him killed. After taking off the jacket, the epitome of the gang, Andy dies. He leaves only an officer and his love, Laura, the only people at his body. "A Royal huh?" The police officer says this to the deceased body of Andy. Through his eyes he sees the enemy. The Royal. The thing that causes conflict throughout his city. The officer does not have a problem with Andy personally, however, he represents the Royals, chaos, and mayhem. Laura sees her Andy on the ground. She knew the man behind the Royal so the officer looking down on him makes her feel worse. “His name is Andy,” however the officer just shrugs this, replying with “a Royal.” In ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Juliet says a famous line "Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" The word “wherefore” is usually interpreted as where, when it is actually why. Juliet is dealing with the fact that Romeo’s identity is that of her sworn enemy. All the Capulets see is

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