Research Paper On Remember The Titans

Improved Essays
Remember the Titans
What would you think if you walk into a diner and were kicked out just because of your skin colour? In nowadays there are still continuing racism all around the world, especially in some part of the USA. Furthermore, this issue has been major problem for decades. The movie, Remember the Titans directed by Boaz Yakin is about a high school football team in Virginia. The movie is based on the true story in 1970’s, Coach Boone, an African American football coach, sent to T.C. William high school football team to become a head coach as a replacement for Coach Yoast, the white football coach who was highly respected by the team. During this time, the whole town were full of strong discrimination and segregation between the whites and blacks. However, as the season goes on Coach Boone wins the team’s respect.
From the film, we have learned the strength of friendship. The meaning of solid friendship is to give a chance and trust whether if they are different a race, religion or social background.
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This is evident that, when Gerry got into a car accident Julius walks into his room and he finds out that Gerry is paralysed from waist down. Julius quoted, “I'll tell you what, tho um, when all this is over... me and you are gonna move out to the same neighbourhood together. OK? And, um... and we'll get old, and we'll get fat. And there ain't gonna be all this black-white between us.” From this scene it clearly shows the great friendship and strong trust between them.
To conclude this speech, from the film Remember the Titans, we have seen Gerry and Julius demonstrated the role of friendship, overcoming discrimination and segregation and valuing their importance of friendship. We learned that potential bond of friendship builds up from stable trust and resilience as clearly shown from these two

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