Michelle Senese
Georgian Court University Remember the Titans is a film based on a true story about the integration of an all Black school into an all White school in the 1970’s in Alexandria, Virginia. When the school board decides to make an African American man head coach of the football team, tensions rise between the White students and the Black students, as well as the members of the community. There are many examples of cultural differences seen in this film that are still relatable to our world today.
Prejudice is a concept seen consistently in Remember the Titans. Prejudice is a attitude or judgment conceived about an individual or group without any prior knowledge about that group …show more content…
Racism is when discrimination becomes apart of the bigger norm of society in which the majority people discriminate against the minority. Examples of racism in Remember the Titans is displayed in a variety of ways. One of the best examples is how the Board of Education in the film wants Coach Yoast to throw a game for the football players so that Coach Boone can be fired and Coach Yoast can secure his spot in the Hall of Fame (Yakin, 2000). Luckily, by this point in the film, Coach Yoast has fully entered the immersion stage and realizes what is happening in the world around him is not normal, but just plain malicious, cruel, and downright wrong. He refuses to comply and stands up for Coach Boone and the wrong that is being committed against him and the other members of the Black community. Unfortunately, in turn he is rejected from his rightfully owned spot in the Hall of Fame. This is showing the institutionalized power that the majority is holding over the minority …show more content…
In Remember the Titans, the community of Alexandria battles with overcoming racism through the radical and aggressive decisions made by Coach Boone. An example of this is the scene when all the boys are getting on the bus to go to the training camp. The boys segregated themselves out of habit and nature but Coach Boone forces the boys to get off the bus and pairs them together to break what society has taught them. Inside the gym during the roll call, them boys again separated themselves because the thought of coming together was looked at as wicked and appalling. Racism was a natural emotion during this time period. The White people display a fear of difference and a rejection and hesitation of acceptance of change. In the end, the White people are able to overcome these differences and join together as one force to create a majority of unity against the minority of those who disagree with