Decision Making In The Stooge Or Grinch

Decent Essays
When you choose a decision do you look at the other choices, or do you see what you want and go for it?

Prejudice is the one feature that makes us like certain things or decisions over others. It is the control system in the back of everyone’s mind, we all have it from the first decisions in all our lives.Think you aren’t prejudice? Look back to the last time you went grocery shopping, remember what you bought? Did you look at the other foods? If so did you think that it didn’t look appetizing? These decisions help form your prejudice.

Prejudice isn’t all bad. For example if you were to watch a daredevil stunt you might think “That's dangerous.”... You're not wrong it is, and as you think this a new prejudice is formed.It keeps you from making decisions that can hurt you, In a way you could say it can protect you.
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Sometimes it can keep you from new experiences, or in the worst case make you think negatively toward people or objects based on their features. This can cause poor decision making such as in The Stooge or Grinch.

Your Prejudice causes you to direct your decisions the way you see them displayed and causes you to act the way it sees best. Just remember it's o.k. to be yourself as long as it doesn’t hurt those around

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