Before white accept work-ing class, some Mexicans refused themselves because their inferiority. Soto says “my sister called me a craphead, and got up to leave with a stalk of grass dangling from her mouth. They’ll never like us” (30). It is a common phenomenon in the working class. Some of the people like Soto want to strive to work then they will into the middle class, and be kind with white people. How-ever, the rest of working class thinks white people will never accept them. Soto’s family is like this status, hardworking, be a good housewife and sent their children to better schools. It is their whole life, there are no extravagant hopes to approaching middle class, do not want to make friends with them. They put their energy in children. Children get a better life is their only hopes. However his family doesn’t want to change their culture. After watching TV, high-quality life changes Soto’s mind but his family never wants to change for fear of being rejected. Their inferi-ority makes them refuse to touch with white people. And income is also an important reason to produce inferiority because low income, they have a lower life quality than rich people. Trans-form it to make everyone accept each other is so hard. The gap which always between different social classes. Gomez says “Speaking our language before whites brought on spasms of shame” (204). After elementary school, there is no one ban the Spanish, …show more content…
Prejudice can caused by many reasons. Races, income, appearance and colors are all reasons. All these factors which people can not decided but these are the main source to produce prejudice. It is so imbal-ance but there is not way to change these. Change outside is impossible, people can only change their inside. Soto says “ I tried to convince them that if we improved the way we looked we might get along better in life. White people would like us more” (30). It is a great idea. Alt-hough Soto is too young at that time but his ideas is correct. People can only change theirselves to get respect. It is easy to say but is hard to make it come true. Gomez says “ I think, more over, that they felt justified, not only because of their inherent sense of superiority, but because our failure to respond to their insult underscored our worthlessness in their eyes” (205). It is a good example. Inferior makes poor boys did nothing so that rich boys feel superiority. Prejudice are not easy ways to disappear. Outside prejudice have a huge power beyond the imagination. It produced from childhood to adult. Eliminate it will need so many years. Inferior, poor and preju-dice are all reasons to produce social gap and the impact. Although people always want to change but the social inequality still exist. People can not change the outside but can change themselves. Social gap is exist but reduce the gap is