Qht1 Task 1

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Task 2-1
Step 1 Individuals with disabilities in the Kansas City metro, and everywhere, have varying degrees of need in their everyday lives. To have these needs met, it is vital that they know the advocacy organizations and resources available to them. Several organizations exist in the Kansas City metro that allow individuals with disabilities to live enriched and fulfilled lives through school, home, community, and camp programs. Two of these organizations are The Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders and The Whole Person. Both organizations support individuals within the school and community. The Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders is located at 400 East Bannister Road, Suite A, Kansas City, MO 64131. The organization has been changing lives since 1996. Information about The Joshua Center was obtained from the organization’s website, news sources, and a phone interview with the founder Becky Ottinger. The Whole Person is located at 3710 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111. Information about The Whole Person was obtained from the organization’s website, news sources, and a phone interview with Resource Development Manager Terri Goddard. Step 2 According to their website, the mission of The Joshua Center is to, “provide services and support for the social, emotional, and educational needs of neurologically impaired children and their families” (The Joshua Center, 2018).
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The organization works with children diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD. When asked about the organizations present and future goals, Becky Ottinger said, “Our biggest goal currently is to expand to Kansas and to help schools with current safety issues kids are facing. Our present goals is to work with as many parents, schools, and children as we can” (Phone Interview). The Joshua Center works directly with schools to train staff, observe students, create plans to help students succeed, and work with parents. The Joshua Center also has licensed Occupational Therapists that can assess students and provide services. The mission of The Whole Person is to “connect people with disabilities to the resources they need by supporting independent choice and advocating for positive change in the community” and they “envision a fully accessible community where opportunities and choices are not limited by disability” (The Whole Person, 2018). They serve individuals with a full range of physical, sensory and mental disabilities including, and they offer free services to individuals with significant disabilities. The Whole Person also serves schools, family members of individuals with disabilities, businesses, veterans, and hospitals. When asked about the organizations present and future goals, Terri Goddard said, “That’s a very big question. We want to expand our revenue sources, create changing in funding, and become fiscally responsible” (Phone Interview). She also said, “We want to become more involved in the Hispanic community and figure out the best way to serve them” (Phone Interview). The Whole Person works directly with schools to help students with disabilities transition after high school, help with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and help schools and communities get passed stigmas surrounding individuals with disabilities. Schools play a large role in supporting the purpose and goals of The Joshua Center and The Whole Person. To help support the organizations’ goals, schools can reach

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