Inclusive fitness is fitness through producing offspring and providing aid that allows relatives to spread shared genes. Hamilton’s rule is rb – c > 0, where r is the relatedness of the altruist to the beneficiary, b is the reproductive benefit to the recipient, and c is the cost in number of offspring to altruist. The Florida Scrub Jay will help feed and protect young that are related to them. The benefit of this behavior is that they will help more offspring survive and spread shared genes, but the cost of this behavior is that …show more content…
2014. Action video game play facilitates the development of better perceptual templates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111:16961-16966.
Adam O, Michael P. 2015. Enhancing perceptual and attentional skills requires common demands between the action video games and transfer tasks. Frontiers in Psychology 6: 113.
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Essay Question (Longer Answer). 50 pts. BE SURE TO ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION.
A) Why is cooperation between nonrelatives an evolutionary puzzle? B) Name and describe a theory that attempts to explain why animals that are not related would cooperate. C) What are the conditions under which cooperation would evolve as suggested by this theory? D) Explain what a Duchenne smile is, how it fits in with this theory, as well as any evidence that has been published to demonstrate this is