Elephant Altruism

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Altruism in Elephants: Empathy and Higher Cognitive Ability It is generally thought that altruism is a behavior only displayed by simplistic creatures, such as ants or honeybees, which do not possess the cognitive ability to evaluate short or long-term reciprocal benefits. Very few mammal species have been observed to display truly altruistic behaviors. Dolphins and elephants, as well as the great apes, are examples of the few mammalian species which commonly display altruistic behavior, including consolation and targeted helping (De Waal 2007). What has initially appeared to be altruistic behavior in some non-human animals has been found to be more of an insurance policy towards future reciprocal behavior. According to evolutionary theory, …show more content…
MSR was predicted early on in dolphin and elephant species, and its presence has recently been confirmed by a mark test (De Waal 2007). In a mark test, an individual is marked in an area which cannot be located without self-recognition in a mirror. Confirmation of self-recognition occurs when the individual brushes, preens, rubs, or scratches at the mark upon seeing it in the mirror, indicating an understanding of self-awareness (De Waal 2007, Hunter 2010). To date, MSR has been located only in cetaceans, elephants, great apes, and magpies (Hunter 2010). MSR has been located only in these species which exhibit high levels of social interaction. These altruistic species have evolved spindle neurons which scientists believe are a crucial component of empathetic behavior in large-brained species (Hunter 2010). Great apes, cetaceans, and elephants are also the only non-human animals in which spindle neurons are found (Hunter 2010). Research indicates that these spindles neurons are possibly an adaptation in larger brains which facilitate quick information process and transfer, and probably evolved concurrently with social behavior (Hunter 2010). Researchers suggest that, apart from humans, elephants have undergone the strongest selection for genes associated with empathetic behaviors. Evidence for this phenomenon can be seen in a study by Goodman et al. (2009), in which the nucleotide sequences of several mammalian species were studied. The researchers found that substitutions occurred most frequently in humans and in elephants, and that these substitutions had major roles in brain function (Hunter 2010). The advanced cognitive abilities and observance of MSR in elephants make the species a highly likely candidate for intentionally altruistic

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