SCI203 Phase 2 Lab Essay

Decent Essays
Name: Amanda Kranning

Date: October 17, 2015

Instructor’s Name: Debora Ladner

Assignment: SCI203 Phase 2 Lab Report

TITLE: Speciation

• Purpose o The purpose of this experiment is to determine the outcome of a barrier divide between two species.

• Introduction o Natural selection is the evolutionary change due to variation in production of species with different variable characters. (Montgomery, n.d.) Such an example occurs when birds prefer red bugs due to possible taste or color than their counter species- green bugs. This in return will affect the higher reproduction of green bugs thus making red bugs become nonexistent. (Your Dictionary, n.d.)

• Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome o Eventual variable selection and adaptation due to specie separation caused by a barrier. (M.U.S.E., n.d.)

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When the bears split into two groups due to the barrier, overtime each group adapted to the physical environmental changes in order to survive.

• Results/Outcome o The two groups go their own ways, accumulating different gene mutations, being subjected to different selective pressures, experiencing different historical events, finally becoming incapable of interbreeding should they ever come together again. (The Smithsonian Institution, Hansen, & Knowlton, 2001)

• Discussion/Analysis o Expected results were obtained after further research of natural selection. Convincing results of the variable changes from one species creating a secondary sub species due to environmental changes such as a physical barrier placed between due to an

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