Israel is a sturdy example of this truth because of the war that took place between Hamas and Syria. Another example is the Paris bombings in November of 2015 (Masters). France has a strict “no gun” policy, which made them a top target for ISIS (Masters). America is already a victim of terrorist attacks, and the problem would be worse if guns were to be taken away. Along with this, larger risks would arise such as bombings and attacks by countries like North Korea and Russia who already have a record of executing these harsh acts of violence (Masters). These examples give reason as to why the Second Amendment should not be taken away or …show more content…
The fact is that crazy, mentally ill people will always find a way to accomplish what sick and twisted acts of violence they wish to achieve. The state of Illinois has the strictest gun control laws in America. The biggest city, Chicago, has the highest death rate in this country (Oliver). If gun control laws are not sufficient in that particular state, what makes the government think that they will work anywhere else in the country? Since 2012, Chicago has had more than six thousand shootings and over sixteen hundred murders (Oliver). This proves these specific laws are not serviceable. Also, there are more than three hundred million civilian-owned firearms in America (Oliver). That is almost one gun for every citizen in this country. If gun sales were banned, there would be three hundred million loose guns up for grabs in America (Oliver). Gun control laws will not solve any circumstance for the country of