LPN Scope of Practice Paige Pence John Wood Community College NUR-190 April 30, 2017 LPN Scope of Practice The nursing profession is essentially like all other professions, with different levels of experience and education, requires different titles and level of practice followed. Inside the nursing practice there are different levels of caregivers that you work alongside, each of them having a different reason for being there. For example, in a nursing home you will work alongside non-certified personal, certified nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and many more qualified care givers.…
Early childhood educators and professionals carry out many functions to meet the objectives toward their mission and for meeting the goals of helping children and their families can be accomplished. In doing so, they often are faced with ethical dilemmas. Codes of ethics, therefore, helps to set the standards of practice expected of professional people, and in consequence they are sometimes known as Codes of Practice. Professionalizing early childhood requires that teachers be critical practitioners and ethical professionals; thus, “taking control of the professionalization agenda therefore requires practitioners to demonstrate a critical understanding of their practice'' (Taggart, 2011, p. 85).…
In order to be professional when working with children it is important to develop important characteristics. These include: Self-awareness It is important to know yourself and to be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, both in terms of your abilities and personality. You may for example recognise that when you are nervous you talk too quickly and so when it comes to working with children and adults you need to work on that. Empathy Empathy is about the ability to see something from another person’s point of view.…
Competency statement VI To maintain a commitment to professionalism Functional Area 13: Professionalism By keeping everything confidential regarding children and parents. Show stewardship to parents and children. Keeping parents involved with teaching their children the proper ways how to succeed in school and also for kindergarten preparation. Also keeping records accurate about children.…
My Professional Philosophy Statement My personal belief, in regards to teaching early childhood education has three primary components. First of all, I believe it begins with creating a safe and caring atmosphere for young children to learn. Secondly, as an early childhood educator I also place a value on teaching a child developmentally appropriate practices. Finally, making an effort to teach about a child’s family culture, values, beliefs, or expectations assists me to make their experience meaningful through family involvement.…
Personal Philosophy I believe that all children are unique and bring their own knowledge and experiences to any educational environment. I believe the early childhood environment is a place for children to be free agents to; develop, learn, grow and express themselves, while having the confidence and respect they as a person are entitled to. Furthermore I also belie that all children have the right to learn and their learning be abundant with experiences, knowledge and quality, as well as feeling a sense of belonging to their community and learning environment. These beliefs are important to my teaching and my philosophy of early childhood eduction.…
To work as an Early Years Professional (EYPs) its essential to gain Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) which is a status given at degree level. EYPs are key to raising the quality of early years learning, care and development. They improve and provide the best outcomes for young children aged 0–5 years and require knowledge of each individual child and the nature of their childhoods. Defining childhood is difficult because there is no agreed universal definition (McDowell, 2010). Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development states that Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence.…
I am a student at Pasadena City College. I am taking the Child Development 20 (Introduction to Curriculum Planning) this semester. For this class, I am required to complete five observations. I am currently working at Canyon Early Learning Center in Monrovia as a teacher’s aide. I work with preschool children at this site.…
Professionalism and Human Development and Diversity Theresa Fraser had an interview session with Jessica Stairs, a child, and youth counsellor on the role of CYC /CYW in an educational milleu settings, legislation, and competencies. Theresa has been in the field for about 11years and she had started as a child and youth worker and later got her degree and became a child and youth counsellor. She works in a Toronto District School Board. Theresa talked about professionalism and cultural and human diversity.…
Professionalism In Nursing And Implications To Patient Safety Professionalism is the core feature of all careers including nursing. Although there is some debate that nursing is not a profession, yet the need of professionalism in nursing job is indispensable. Nursing professionalism is exhibited through the use of cognitive, attitudinal, and psycho-motor skills. Nursing professionalism is a continuous, dynamic, variable, and a complex process that involves the use of nursing knowledge and evidence based data and experience. Professionalism in nursing does not appear in days, it is a process that begins at the level of a novice thinker having basic understanding and goes far upto the level of a critical thinker who can practice with authority and responsibility.…
The concept of professionalism is a highly contextual construct that varies from individual to individual, influenced by many factors. However, professionalism may be generally defined as a “habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served.” (Epstein and Hundert, 2002). Professional attributes describes a set of behaviours that encompasses professionalism, such as competence, commitment, confidentiality, autonomy, altruism, integrity and honesty, morality and ethical conduct, and trustworthiness (Cruess, Cruess, and Steinert, 2009). Hence, to exhibit professionalism means to possess professional…
Nursing is a profession that started in home, when care givers took care of the sick family members, women giving birth, or the care of babies after death of mother during delivery (Weatherford, 2010). In the beginning nursing was not considered as a profession and nurses followed orders of physicians, but modern nursing is continually evolving (Risjord, 2010). Modern nursing evolved from just following physicians’ orders to a complex and multi focused profession. The basic goal of nursing is providing a safe and caring environment that promotes health and well-being of the patient (Selanders and Crane, 2012). According to American Nursing Association (ANA), meaning of nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimizing abilities and health…
Early years of childhood have widely been recognised as the most important years of learning and development. “Research have shown the importance of these years to learn and acquire new skills” (DEECD, 2010), which have assigned a great responsibility to the educators working with the young children. As an early childhood educator, I feel that it is my responsibility to provide the high quality learning environment for the young children to learn, acquire and develop social, emotional, academic and technological skills. The following paper contains my philosophy statement, which includes my values and professional knowledge in relation to children, teaching and learning in early childhood education. Connor defines philosophy as “it can be used…
Introduction Professionalism within healthcare and specifically Physiotherapy, is a means in which to deliver high quality of practice and patient fulfillment, throughout daily care. This thesis will discuss aspects of professionalism within healthcare including: regulatory bodies, professional’s responsibilities, The National Health Service, education and quality of care. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a Profession as; “a vocation that involves some branch of advance learning in science.” (Swannell1992). This highlights that a fundamental aspect of being a professional within health care is to have received an advanced level of education, in order to be accepted as a professional, this is discussed further in the education section.…
NURSING PROFESSIONALISM As a result of several researches conducted on nursing professionalism, there are diverse view on this subject matter. But the reoccurring facts amongst these studies that if carefully considered, will greatly influence the improvement of the nursing profession across board. In order to understand better and to do a proper integration with the discussion on nursing education above, it is necessary to understand Professionalism especially in the ‘Nursing’ world.…