Pre-Referral Intervention Case Study

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The IDEA mandates a sequence of steps that schools must follow to identify and educate children with disabilities. The first step is Pre-referral Intervention, which takes place before formal testing and evaluation for special education of the child. Here, a teacher or parent reports concerns with a child’s learning, behavior or development, and an intervention assistance team then works with the teacher to try to solve the problem by modifying instruction. This is sometimes called Response to Intervention (RTI). If the intervention is successful, the process stops, but if not, the child would be referred for an evaluation. This is a significant step because many children can be kept in general education if intervention is given, and it puts direct responsibility on the teacher to address a child’s deficiencies before they can be formally evaluated. A child cannot be identified as a child with a disability if their learning difficulties are the result of lack of appropriate instruction. If intervention does not work, the next step is to perform a nondiscriminatory Multifactored Evaluation (MFE). Parental consent must be obtained, and the test must be given within sixty days of the consent. The MFE must consider all areas related to the child’s suspected disability and must use a variety of assessment tools …show more content…
From the information we know about Andrea, we should be able to create reasonable and effective strategies to assist her. We acknowledge that Andrea can play music by ear, likes animals, and likes gardening and cooking. However, she's not good with reading comprehension, math, or even written music; this demonstrates that she is a very tactile/kinesthetic learner, meaning she has to be engaged physically to be learning

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