English Language Learners And Response To Referral Considerations: Article Analysis

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This article entitled, “English Language Learners and Response to Intervention: Referral Considerations” is about how to assess whether or not an ELL student has a learning disability or just an English proficiency problem. It starts out with information about a response to intervention model and the steps needed to take to ensure that these students are properly assessed. The RTI model integrates a multitier preventive instructional system that uses evidence-based data to make a decision of eligibility. Tier 2 is the pivotal factor that can begin the special education referral process. If students do not respond appropriately to Tier 2, a general educator can refer the student to a special educator who will assess as to whether or not the student received adequate instruction before being referred and go from there. The article continues by specifying what happens after referral. The multidisciplinary team must complete the student’s individual assessment plan and have a decision-making meeting within 60 days. Meeting the federal requirements is a must throughout this whole process. The team must ensure that testing and evaluation is not be racially biased and be conscious of the fact that the student has a low level of English proficiency. The evaluation should measure the student’s potential disability and decide whether it’s a matter of inadequate instruction, limited English proficiency, a learning disability, or a combination of these. Once the decision-making process is complete, an individualized education program will begin to form for the student. This must include their disability eligibility, their present level of performance in academics, specialized instruction to increase the child’s rate of learning, and accommodations to be used in the classroom. This subject affects individuals with disabilities as well as the field of exceptional student education in many ways. …show more content…
The ELL community is growing and their needs are just as important as any other student. Identifying their special needs can be more difficult because of the language barrier. They could just have a low English proficiency or they could have a learning disability and it is very difficult to recognize the difference between the two. This article gave the clear steps to help assess students in this situation. It acknowledged both their different cultural background as well as their different educational background. Assessing students with different cultural and educational backgrounds is a very detailed processed and must be done correctly to be effective. This affects the field of exceptional student education because it gives these educators a big responsibility to correctly identify disabilities in ELL students that might otherwise be overlooked or cast aside because of their English proficiency level. This subject will be very meaningful to me in my anticipated career of being a special educator. Working in South Florida, it is almost certain that I will have ELL students. Whether I am in a general classroom or a specialized teacher, I will have to assess these students to figure out if their learning is coming along like it is expected or if they need to be evaluated for a learning disability. It will be my responsibility to make sure that these students get the instruction they need and the help they may need as well to assist in their learning advancement. Learning about the process of how to do all of this is very important because it is all very precise and must be done a

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