Introduction In recent years, response to intervention (RTI) has been the focus of research, debate and educational implementation. Two scholarly journal articles were analyzed and synthesized to deepen this writer’s understanding of Response to Intervention. It is not known if or to what extent Reading Recovery (RR) and Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy (DIBELS) impact the reading levels of students who were reading below grade level. Both articles revealed the authors’ purpose, beliefs, viewpoints, and significant findings related to the interventions and how they support reading. Conceptual Framework The methods that were used to identify students with a learning disability (LD) was ineffective.…
An analysis of Response to Intervention (RTI) reveals progress in closing the achievement gap in Reading and Math. Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of Response to Intervention (RTI) in closing the achievement gap in regards to ethnicity and race. Teachers use RTI in classrooms to encourage a positive impact on closing the achievement gap between various ethnicities. In this article, we will determine the effect of RTI on closing the achievement gap between three ethnicity…
Critical response journal two is a reflective response to detailed questions and thoughts pertaining to the response to intervention (RTI) model for intervention. RTI is a multi-tier approach to the early identification, intervention, and support for struggling learners to be successful in the classroom. 1. What principles relating to learning disabilities and the use of RTI to identify them were established by the Office of Special Education Programs in 2001? In August of 2001, the Office…
Purpose For my research paper, I have chosen to write about Response to Intervention (RTI) in pre-kindergarten. I became interested in Response to Intervention when I started working with Head Start within the public school system in my city. Throughout my years in the Head Start Program I have worked with many students. The Response to Intervention framework has made me wonder how academics would be differentiated for these children, when our educational system is being scrutinized for…
Diversity can consists of different cultures, languages, ethnicity and race, gender, etc. For instance, cultures can be what they believe in or the traditions they set for themselves. Languages, being bilingual and having to learn English or English as your main language and learning another language like Italian. Other types of Diversity can stem from student’s learning disabilities, behavioral, autistic disorders, gifted and talented to name a few. Teachers need to be able to include all…
acceptance. People need to feel that you accept and value what they believe, as well as, what they have to communicate. “Acceptance is communicated by how you listen, look, respond, and interact with others”, (Sharon Vaughn, 2015, p. 131). Additionally, listening and questioning are principles in creating valuable communication with others. As the text describes, listening isn’t just waiting for the other person to finish speaking, its listening to the content and feelings of the message.…
the daily symptoms one with ADHD has to deal with. While some treatment for ADHD involves medication, behavior interventions are also used as a form of treatment. ADHD can be diagnosed at the age of 3, but symptoms can start any time before 12 years of age, they can be mild moderate or severe (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder…
Section C Describe the RtI process: The NO Child Left Behind Act helped develop the multi-tiered system. Later IDEA required universal screenings and progress monitoring and the screening are now here to help identify if a student is at risk for learning difficulties. It targets students who struggle after being provided evidence-based general education ( ). There are different kinds of…
Psychologist is responsible for is providing interventions for their students. These interventions take three forms: academic assessment, behavior intervention, and psychological assessment. According to the New York Association of School Psychologists, in 1989 there was tremendous growth of people getting jobs as school psychologists, and a dramatically corresponding increase in the number of state associations resulted. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) developed many…
events or communication through parent boards or sending newsletters home weekly or monthly. I also believe that the communication with parents of children with special needs is important for educators to focus on. As the educator on the room, we often need to be the children’s voice and advocate. Active and open communication is vital between the home and school, regarding any concerns or needs that the child is facing. Educators and parents need to collaborate and work closely with school…