Fine Motor Skills: A Case Study

Superior Essays
If a child is suspected to have a developmental delay they will be evaluated. These skills are age related and will vary by age. The evaluations will take place in such areas as gross motor skills, which encompasses the usage of large muscle groups for movement. These movements include walking, running, and sitting. Gross motor skills are also important for balance. Fine motor skills are motor movements that use smaller more refined muscle movement. These would be using pincer skills needed to pick up a pencil, spoon or fork. Fine motor skills are also needed in order to dress. Language is another developmental skill that is evaluated. Language does include vocalization; however it also includes facial expressions and body language. Language …show more content…
This test was developed in 1969 by researchers in the University Of Colorado Medical Center. However, this test was revised in 1992. This test is broken down into four parts (Willacy & Tidy, 2014). The first part of the test evaluates the child’s social and personal aspects. What this means is does the child show awareness that there are other people in their environment? Does the child interact with adults and smile appropriately (California Department of Education, 2015). Fine motor skills would be evaluated next. Is the child able to hold small objects? Is the child able to exhibit hand eye coordination? Can the child grasp an object? Based on this information the child would then be evaluated to see if his gross motor skills are affected. These indicators would include the ability of the child to roll over when expected? Can the child walk appropriately? Finally the child would be tested on his language. Can the child speak or make appropriate sounds? Does the child understand verbal commands? Does the child use language appropriately? The Denver Developmental test is used more widely than other tests as it takes into account a growth curve as well as comparing the child’s development with over two thousand other children. It takes into account the gender and race of a child. The education of the parent as well as the child’s poverty …show more content…
Early intervention can make the difference in having a successful education. Children who have had the opportunity to attend early intervention, have had lowered rate of having to attend special education classes in the future (Berk, 2014). They also have proven to have higher IQ’s than those children who did not have the opportunity to attend an early intervention. These programs are essential for not only children who have been born with a developmental disability but have been born in to lower Socio-economic back rounds. Therefor it is imperative to continue to find was to continue serving our children and allow them to evolve into productive citizens as well as giving them the best chance at a greater quality of

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