Special education is required by law, to be freely implemented for all children that need it (Gibb & Dyches, 2016). In order for a child to be identified as requiring special education, a parent or teacher will need to submit a formal referral showing efforts for unsuccessful interventions. Before a child is placed in a special education program, five implications must be meet by the school. First it must be free and meet state standards. Secondly, the student must be appropriately evaluated. Third, an individualized program (IEP) must be developed. Fourth, students (if determined feasible) will attend school with others who do not have disabilities. Lastly, schools and educational facilities will provide parents with documents …show more content…
The first step of an IEP is writing a students’ present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). The academic achievement portion of the PLAAFP elaborates on academic skills that are mastered through school, whereas the functional performance statement will cover the improvement of a child’s ability to perform daily task, to include social skills. Some children will require both functional performance and academic achievement to evaluate equally; other children may need one criteria, of the two, to be more heavily evaluated depending on their disability, age and progress. The PLAAFP paints a picture, through words, of a child’s strengths and limitations so that goals can be set. These strengths and limitations are supported by informal and formal assessments. These assessments provide baselines that allow one to determine if a child is capable of experiencing the rigors of state and other standardized test, or if a child needs alternate achievement test for evaluation. When creating an PLAAFP, IDEA requires a description of how a students disability effects their academic achievement, functional performance, progress in general education curriculum if they are elementary or secondary students, and participation in activities when if they are preschoolers (Gibb & Dyches, …show more content…
This plan will continue annually until the student reaches the age of 22. There are special circumstances when a transition plan will be developed earlier than16, but this is only when a child appears to need more time to transition into adulthood. The purpose of a transition plan is to prepare students for emerging adulthood by ensuring that they have the skills for future careers and independent living. The following are three elements that make up a transition plan for an IEP, they are, having measurable postsecondary goals, transition services, and a statement that tells the student a year early when they are being transferred into adult living by obtaining their own adult rights (Gibb & Dyches, 2016). When a student graduates, IDEA requires the school to submit a detailed summary and academic scores to them, so that the student can be identified as an adult with disabilities so they can qualify for the benefits that fall under the Americans with disability