The RTI process of a school begin with high-quality instruction in a general education classroom. When a student needs additional intervention for some studying areas, the school will arrange a test to that student. If the student still fails of the test, the school will do some interventions. The student’ parents need to come to school to discuss with school how to do the interventions to the student. Then the struggling student will be provided interventions to increase his or her study ability and achieve the normal learning goal. The whole RTI process will be done with multiple persons, included general teachers, special education teachers, and other specialists. The total time of RTI process for the student will be determined …show more content…
Before the IEP document is written, IEP process will begin with Pre-Referral interventions, then referral interventions for special education services will be launched. Referral can be participated with lots of people such as parents, social workers, teachers, and doctors. The next step is Identification which is to make sure that the student needs to be treated with special interventions. Then a document will all treatment detail will be written and the document will be kept for one year. After that school needs to make sure that the student is eligible for special education and do some developments of the students. The whole process is designed together with general teachers, special education teachers, and parents. Finally, the student will be evaluated and reviewed (MS, 2016; Smith, …show more content…
She doesn’t co-teach with regular education teachers. In their school, they teach ID students in a special classroom where some medical equipment is available. She said that the education level some ID students were learning was about kindergarten’s level. According to her, their special education is really different than other normal special education programs. She explained that co-teaching with regular education teachers usually would have students with SLD or EBD. I inquired her background and experiences as well, she worked as a special education teacher for six years and she loved this job. I also asked her how to treat ID students and she replied that special education teachers needed to use repetition, hands-on learning, use multi learning methods (auditing, visual, etc.) to teach students. I also asked what may be the best way to foster the relationship between the special education teacher and the regular education teacher. She suggested that open communication was the best way to do