The instruction of morphology and affixes should begin at approximately on second or third grade and beyond because students should have the awareness of word parts, root words, and affixes to read long words. Also, the older student will rely on morphology instead of using phonemic awareness to read long words. The student also should have relatively stronger sight word knowledge to learn the morphology. They should have a general vocabulary knowledge and decoding ability to gain the knowledge in morphology and affixes and this knowledge increase from third grade to high school. They also have to have the knowledge of phonics instruction. …show more content…
Or say cup. Now say cup, but do not say the/k/.
Phonics: introduce letters and the sound they represent in words. Alos, learning the sounds of alphabet letters.
Example: the shape of the letter b and its sound/b/. This letter is h and it makes the sound /h/.
3. Name one of the assessments we discussed in class that can be used in the RtI process and explain what information you could get from the assessment to drive your intervention choices.
WMLS-R language proficiency or Dynamic Assessment and it assess the child basic literacy skill which includes Letter Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation Fluency, and Nonsense Word Fluency. The result of the assessment drive us to the needs of the child in the literacy skill and we can chose the intervention wherever the result indicate the weakness on these areas Targeted Alphabet review letters and its sound, Phoneme Awareness Activities, and blending and segmenting phoneme words with targeted letters.
4. A parent or teacher of a 2nd grader comes to you because she believes a child has dyslexia or a type of reading disability. Please write down 4 questions you would ask this person that would help you start to determine if there is an issue with this