Police officers have participated in many forms of misconduct. One of these misconducts includes false arrest. False arrest is an arrest that is conducted without a warrant. This also means an arrest without any probable cause. This type …show more content…
Racial profiling is using someone’s race or ethnicity as a justification for suspecting him of committing a particular crime. An example of this would be if an officer was to assume a man is a terrorist because he is Muslim, or assuming a black man driving an expensive car must have stolen it. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, men and women should judge by the content of their character. They should not be discriminated by the color of their skin. This is how all policemen, and women, should think.
Lastly, witness tampering is also an activity performed by officers. Witness tampering is one of the most common types of police misconduct. This behavior concerns an officer who attempts to either change a witness testimony or prohibit a witness from testifying in a criminal or civil proceeding. This is extremely unfair for to the victims have that being dragged into these situations. This is completely against the promise police officers agree to when they start to work in law