This article gives more clarification about the Mike Brown case. For decades the majority of colored people have been decimated and abused by aggressive police officers. The abusive force of cops shows that if you are unarmed you can still be killed. This source is very detailed giving a perspective of how people are being affected in poor corrupt places. It seems like a reliable source because the debate towards police brutality has been increasing with more controversy. The author is a staff writer who dedicates his work to the media. He helps cover a lot …show more content…
There has been a lot of attention on cops lately since the media has been keeping track of their abuse. More people are starting to notice what’s going on around them and try to make a difference towards people’s rights and freedom. Cops cannot do whatever they want because they feel like it and people are fighting for change.
Collins, Allyson, and Cynthia Brown. Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1998. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
This book is a very interesting book as it talks about what police could do and enlightens you with another perspective towards cops. There has been police brutality in the past and it is increasing even more which is sad. It happens everywhere and is a worldwide topic. Cops should have their laws changed to a point where our society would be safe from them. It’s always good to be educated and this author is well known for discussing these topics.
Wing, Nick. "If Most Police Officers Are 'Good Cops,' These Are Even Better." The Huffington Post., Web. 19 Apr. …show more content…
There are still many good officers who don’t get recognized but do many things. These officers do it because they want to help our community and don’t want to receive recognition. Not all cops are bad and abusive. You will run into some mean ones and nice ones along the way but it’s always good to know that there are still some officers who do their job to help and support our community.
"Santa Ana Cops Accused of Eating Edibles, Threatening Disabled Woman During Dispensary Bust." Dabs Magazine Web. 19 Apr. 2016. .
This article is a very interesting article as it shows police can get away with many things. Officers are forced to obey the laws we have in this society. This medical dispensary that gives medical marijuana gets raided by a group of officers. The cops take all the medical drugs and money. They tried deleting and covering up all the evidence but they didn’t catch the hidden camera. They were seen threatening patients and eating the medical drug on the scene. The officers are now creating a lawsuit because it wasn’t fair since they didn’t know about the hidden camera but the raid was unexpected and illegal too.
Drug Alliance Staff. "Distorted Financial Incentives for Enforcement." Financial Incentives for Drug Law Enforcement Web. 19 Apr. 2016.